Labor Day Weekend 2020 ... and man did we all need something good to happen. This is Wind Creek trip # 5 and I am pretty sure it was the best one yet. We had an incredibly good time and the kids loved every single minute. The only regret is that it couldn't last longer...
We left on Saturday morning, about 2-3 hours later than we had wanted. But, that ended up being a really really good thing. Kelly and I hung out on the porch and drank coffee before loading up. We landed on site at noon and were surprised at how good of a spot we had. Wind Creek had been booked for a long time but I happened to find one spot open about two weeks ago. Usually when you get leftovers the site isn't that great, but this one was on the end and had great water access. Score!
The first day we spent mostly on the water. Kayaks, swimming, fishing, and just hanging out. Well, I pretty much just laid down in the kayak while kids swam around me. :) The biggest development of the day was we saw another camper who set a tent up right on the water and used it as home base. We followed suit and did the same thing on day two. We really stayed out there most of the day and didn't head back to the camper until later that evening. At one point during the day Caroline decided to hop in a kayak. She initially struggled trying to figure out how to paddle but eventually got the hang of it. And when she figured it out, she became a kayaking machine. She LOVES kayaking. I wasn't sure we'd ever get her out of that boat! :)
One of the highlights of the trip is our friend Kendall (and family) picked us up on their pontoon and took us on a Lake Martin tour! It was great and the kids had a blast. Carter and Cora even got to ride a jet ski with Kendall and they loved it!! They did not want to leave but instead stay at their lake house all day.
For our last day, we essentially took it easy and decided not to rush anything. The coolest part of the day is Kelly and Carter got to go horseback riding through the park! Carter bonded with one particular horse (Charlie) and they became best buds. It was one of those great mom-son memories.
All in all, this may have been one of the best camping trips we've had. The kids talked and talked and talked about how much fun it was. Definitely needed for us.