Wind Creek 2017
It’s Veterans Day weekend, which means the Clayton Crew is for sure heading out on a camping trip. This particular weekend was also the Auburn-Georgia game so we decided to camp close to Auburn so Carter and I could go to the game. We first looked at Roosevelt State Park in Georgia, but then settled on a return trip to Wind Creek. This campground is a great place with lots of waterfront sites, so we didn’t hesitate to head back here for a third time. (if the pictures are scattered, I give up. Blogs are not user friendly for me! -Kelly)
4 for her age, 1 for being the first born:) |

Instead of leaving late Thursday evening and being stressed for setup, we decided to stay in our own beds and leave Friday morning. Fortunately, Kelly and I determined it would be best if we didn’t wake too early and make the day stressful, so we left about 10:30am and made it to Alexander City around noon. We set up the camper easily and looked around at what was possibly one of the prettiest days of the year. It was 65 and sunny … not a cloud in the sky. The yellow leaves were on the ground and the overall Fall feel was just right. For the rest of the day, we basically explored and played. We took a pretty long walk to find playgrounds, and the big kids got to go up on the silo with the scary staircase. Carter wanted to throw the football while we walked so we did a lot of that. Eventually the kids ended up in the sand and Kelly and I were not too happy about it. They did not do too much damage so that was a plus. To end the night, we made a fire, ate hot dogs, and the kids played with their toys. Surprisingly the kids went down very easily and were essentially settled about 7:40. Kelly and I sat by the fire for another hour and then retired ourselves.

"No you have to do this way mommy, put your hand here and bend your legs." |
She loves her daddy! |
Friday was beautiful, Saturday not so much. |
Saturday morning got off to a fast (and loud…) start. The kids woke up at 6:00am and all three hopped in the bed with us. We tried to keep them quiet but there was really no chance. They were up and they were ready to go, which means Kelly and I were also. Much to our surprise there was significant cloud cover and a lot of wind this particular morning, so it was much much colder than we had hoped. I took the kids for a walk out to a peninsula and we enjoyed throwing some rocks in the water. Kelly met up with us shortly and we found a few more playgrounds to hang out at.
Eventually we headed to Wal-Mart for supplies and then back to a new playground.
Guess who's who?! |

This park wins the most playgrounds! |
Things are tough for this one sometimes! |
Carter and I then met my dad at a nearby gas station so we could go to the Auburn-Georgia game. While we were gone, the girls had a great time, took naps, played lots of play-do and coloring, and made their own fire after their dance party! Carter and I returned from the game about 8:00 and everyone went straight to bed.
Carter and his buddy Ty were able to hang out! |
Girls day/night was a blast! |
Caroline wore these at 18m, Cora is 3! |
Zaxbys cheers us all up after the boys leave! |
The next morning Kelly and I put on a morning movie so things didn’t start as fast paced this time. We basically took it easy, picked up intermittently, complained that things were colder than we thought, and eventually headed home about noon. All in all, we can’t say it was the best trip ever because it was so cold, but we did have lots of fun!